Adder, or Snake (Nadredd): wisdom, reincarnation, and cunning. If you see a snake while Faerie Vision Questing, be prepared for the power of transformation to enter your life. The snake represents the life-death-birth cycle.
Badger (Breach): tenacity and courage. The Badger will teach you perseverance and endurance in the face of adversity. The badger is a powerful protector of both material possessions and ideals held close to the heart.
Bat: The bat is a messenger of the Shadow Worlds. The bat may portend a message from the Under World, or your sub-conscious.
Bear (Arth): strength and stamina.
Bee (Beach): The bee is industriousness, hard working, and very family/clan oriented.
Blackbird (Lon Dubh): The blackbird imparts mystical secrets. All Faerie birds are messengers from the divinities.
Boar (Bacrie): The boar is sacred to the Goddess. It is both cunning and ferocious.
Bull (Tarbh): strength and potency. The bull is the symbol of mobile power.
Butterfly: If a butterfly is seen while Vision Questing, no negative energy will be in the immediate energy.
Cat (Caoit): The cat is a strong protector in confrontational situations. As a prowling animal, the cat is also a strong guardian of inner powers.
Cock: The power of the voice to chase away the nights phantoms i.e. the calling at dawn.
Cow (Bo): Sacred to the Goddess Brigit, the cow symbolizes contentness, nurturing and providing for daily needs.
Crane: Associated with both the Cailleach and Manannan Mac Lir, the crane was a bird of the Moon, magick, shamanic travel, secrets, and reaching deep mysteries. The crane also represents the logical mind, as well as patience while healing occurs.
Crow (Badb): Associated with Macha, Babd, and the Morrigan, the crow is a symbol of conflict, war, and death. Its skill is wisdom combined with trickery. It is also the protector of sacred records. All Faerie birds are messengers from the divinities.
Deer (Abhach) or Stag (Sailetheach): The White Stag is a messenger and guide from the Other Worlds. Following the animal often leads to a Quest through the Other Worlds. The deer represents grace, swiftness, and gentleness.
Dog (Abach, Mada) or Hound (Cu): Under World hounds are white with red ears. They chase and punish the guilty. They represent tracking skills, and companionship, as well as a protective companion.
Dolphin: Associated with Sea Deities like Mannan Mac Lir, the represent harmony, balance, and travelling from rough to smooth waters.
Dragon (Piastras, Horm): wealth, the raw powers of nature, the treasures of the sub-conscious mind.
Eagle (Iolair): wisdom and long-life. The eagle represents keen sight, knowledge of magick, and swiftness. The eagle is a strong ally when traveling into new territory. All Faerie birds are messengers from the divinities.
Eel (As-chu): adaptability, wisdom, inspiration, and defense. A good protector when defense is needed.
Fox (Mada Rua): cunning, slyness, perceptive. The fox makes fools out of those who chase it.
Frog: shamanism, magick, nasty illusion with something wonderful hidden within.
Hare or Rabbit (Coinin): Sacred to Adraste, the hare is a symbol of virility, divination, and swiftness.
Hawk (Aracos): Connected to the willow, the hawk is a messenger between this world and the Other Worlds. It is of greater skill and strength than other birds and thus symbolizes clear sightedness and far memory. It teaches us how to receive and interpret inner and outer signals. All Faerie birds are messengers from the divinities.
Heron: Same as the crane: Associated with both the Cailleach and Manannan Mac Lir, the heron was a bird of the Moon, magick, shamanic travel, secrets, and reaching deep mysteries. The heron also represents the logical mind, as well as patience while healing occurs. Through the heron, one finds magick in nature.
Horse (Cab-all, Capall): stamina, endurance, and faithfulness. Sacred to Epona and Rhiannon, the horse was a faithful guide to the Other Worlds.
Magpie: omens and prophecies. All Faerie birds are messengers from the divinities.
Mouse (Luch): secrets, cunning, shyness, the ability to hide. If you see a mouse in a Vision Quest, pay attention to the surrounding details.
Otter (Balgair): enjoying life, recovering from a crisis, faithfulness, friendliness, being helpful to others. The otter can provide valuable assistance in the Other World.
Owl (Cailleach): Associated with the Crone, the owl is a guide to and through the Under World. It has keen sight at night and is a flawless hunter. The owl teaches us to silently observe life and gather information in order to gain understanding.
Pig (Muc): spiritual food for the shaman. The pig was the magickal, sacred food of the Tuadha De Dannan.
Raven (Bran): Associated with the Morrigu, it represents the battle cry of an upcoming life crisis. It is a powerful protector if one can gain its favor. All Faerie birds are messengers from the divinities.
Salmon (Brionnfhionn): Very wise and magickal creatures in Faerie Celtic Lore. The salmon helps you to get in touch with ancestral and archetypal wisdom. They represent wisdom, and the acquirement of knowledge.
Sow (Airc): Associated with the Goddess, the sow is a beast of death and rebirth, as well as fertility.
Swan (Eala): Swans help with the interpretation of dream symbols, transitions, and spiritual evolution.
Wren (Dryw, Dreoilin): Sacred to the Druids, the wren's musical notes were used for divination. It is a messenger of the deities. It also represents the power of strengthening and cleansing.
Every animal ally that becomes a lifetime or temporary spirit guide is there to help you develop certain traits it posses. Or it could be a warning about a particular health problem you are unaware of or which could appear if you continue on a certain path.
Before you begin this vision quest be certain that you will not be disturbed. Set out your tools and up your circle, call the quarters, and do your "Inner Tree Meditation". Cleanse the room to become a sacred space. Relax you body, using your tape, a friend drumming, or the silver branch.
Go into your cave. Always travel to the left twice and then to the right, where you will find an exit to the otherworld forest where the animal spirits exist. Take the path to your right then keep walking until you are met by an animal spirit.
When the animal spirit whill let you know when he/she has finished her/his communications with you. Return down the path to the cave, and follow the path you came in through back to this world.
When you feel the light start to fade around you, you will find yourself back in your body. Remember to record everything in your journal. It may take several days weeks and sometimes months before you realize what the spirit has told you. It just depends on your level of spiritual progression.
WARNING- I once communicated with a young man who told me that he spent most of his time on journeys. His reasoning for his unwise practice was as he put it "Everytime I go on a journey I learn things about myself. But it leaves me with more questions so I have to return to get the answers." This is NOT how shamanism works! The spirits expect you to take that information then ponder, explore, examine, and question yourself for the answers to the information they give you. The "otherworld" spirits are not a continual hookup to the "411" information service. You are required to do some thinking for yourself. Shamanism is a way of teaching you how to balance this life out as well as work on certain problems. You can't do this if you are never in your body or in this reality, even if you feel that your life sucks! You can't change the problems with your family, friends, peers, teachers or employers if you do not take the time to work on yourself spiritually. The practice of shamanism if done correctly will teach you how to get around and work through all of these problems. It is not a means of escaping the problems, fear or pain in this world, it is a means of facing them and working them out. Persons with addictions to alcohol and drugs, severe depression, serious illness or disabilities can benefit from working with their spiritual selves, but it takes time and perserverence!
You must remember that the spirits you run into may not be telling you the truth. If you question their answers or reliability or even feel uneasy about the information they gave you...beware. That is your inner self telling you that there is something wrong. It's that voice in your heart that we call our intuition. Listen to it, it's always right.
If a spirit requests a favor discontinue your communication with it. If you are in the "underworld" or the land of the dead you are dealing with the spirits of the dead. They are the shades of the deceased persons personality. Although they have learned some things they are not always acting with good intentions, nor do they have all of the answers. The only part of a deceased person that is all knowledgeable is the "spirit" which detaches from the personality or the consciousness of the previous lifetime. If you are dealing with a deceased ancestor they may request a favor, if you decide to agree you must keep your promise or don't bother to agree.
The purpose of this vision quest is to find your Animal Allies. While on your journey you may encounter animals that you fear or do not like. If this happens you should not run from the animal,
you should ask it questions. There may be many reasons why this particular animal has appeared to you. Perhaps it is there to help you understand yourself, a problem you face, or a fear that you
are unaware of.
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