I have compiled a list of links to other sites on the web that may be of interest to you. You will also find a lot of these links in the Geocities tour. Please take the time to visit the enviromental links as well. The path of the Shaman is to be a healer, this includes planet Earth as well as loved ones, clients and the vast universe of which we are one with. This does not mean we should only use our inner path working to be effective healers, but we must also take steps in our physical "outer" environment. This includes recycling, working towards changing legislation to protect the earth from polluters, and taking an active part in the preservation of all of the earth's wonderful creatures. Many of our inhabitants are on the endangered species list, without them our planet cannot survive, as all of these creatures were created to serve a purpose in the chain of life. Take the first step...become an activemember of Greenpeace, the ASPCA, volunteer at the Animal Shelter or your local University's recycling program!
Copyright 1995 Cougar SilverMoon
All of the graphics and information on this site, including the name Cougar Shaman are copyrighted. You may not copy, sell or distribute this information.