This list is for informational purposes only. Unless you are trained in how to mix them properly to cure health problems, you should not attempt to use them for this. If you are not trained I suggest that you purchase "Yogi Tea" for whatever ailments you may have. You should never attempt to heal another unless you are fully trained by a teacher and you have their permission.
You can find a complete list of Herbs purchase my book, to learn their applications take my corresondence course.
Alder:A whistle made of Alder is the basis for the old superstition of
whistling up the wind.
Apple, Domestic:Apple cider can be used as a substitute for
Ash: Druid Shamanic wands were often made of ash.
Betony: This was a magical herb used to expel the power of evil
spirits, nightmares, and despair. It was burned at Summer Solstice for purification and
Birch:The bark was used for purification, especially during
Blackthorn:It's thorns were used in negative magic.
Broom: Also known as Scotch or Irish Broom. Burned at the
Spring Equinox, it purified and protected.
Catnip:Chewed by warriors for fierceness in battle
Cedar:Ancient Celts on the Mainland used cedar oil to preserve
heads of enemies taken in battle. To draw Earth energy, to ground yourself place the palms of
your hands against the ends of the needles.
Cherry, Wild:Chips of the wood or bark were burned at Celtic
Club Moss:Only a priest or priestess were allowed to gather club moss. The plants and spores were collected in July and August for use in blessings
and protection.
Elder:Sacred to the Celtic White Lady and the Summer Solstice.
The Druids used it both to bless and curse. Elder wands drive out evil and negativity. Standing
under and elder tree at Midsummer, like standing in a ring of Faery Mushrooms, will help you see
the Little People.
Eyebright: An herb that promotes clairvoyance.
Ferns:Uncurled fronds of the male fern were
gathered at Midsummer, dried and carried for good luck. All ferns are powerful protective plants
and faeries are especially attracted to them.
Fir, Silver:Also known as the Birth Tree. Burning needles or
sweeping around the bed with a branch blessed and protected a mother and her new baby.
Foxglove: This is a Poisonous plant! An herb, associated with the Little
People and Otherworld beings.
Furze: Also known as gorse or whin. The flowers were
associated with the Spring Equinox.
Hawthorne:Wands of this wood have great power.
Hazel:Faeries are attracted to hazel. Healing wands are made from its wood, as are water divining sticks.
Heather: Associated with Summer Solstice.
- Holly: Sacred to the Winter Solstice because of
its red berries and evergreen leaves.
- Hops: Used for sleep and healing.
- Ivy, English: POISIONOUS! Connected with the Winter solstice.
- Juniper: Its berries were used with thyme in incenses.
- Marigold: A Druid sacred herb. The Druids believed that Marigold water
made from the blossoms, then rubbed on the eyelids helped one to
see faeries.
- Meadowseet: One of the three most sacred hers to the Druids. The other two
are mint and vervain (verbena).
- Mint:Burning mint cleanses the area.
- Mistletoe: POISIONOUS! It was the most sacred tree of the Druids, and it
ruled Winter Solstice.
- Mugwort:Was placed in barns to protect cows from
the influence of faeries. The herbs powers are strongest when picked on
a Full Moon. Gather at the Summer solstice for good luck, and rub on ritual
tools to increase power.
- Nuts and Cones: Very magical, especially in fertility magick.
Small cones or acorns were sometimes used on the tips of wands used by
the Celts.
- Oak: The oak was the king of trees in the grove.
Magick wands were made of its wood. Oak galls, sometimes called "Serpent
Eggs", were used in magickal charms. Acorns gathered at night held
the greatest fertility powers. The Druids and other magickal pracitioners
listened to the rustling leaves and the wrens in the trees for divinatory
- Pine: Sacred to the Druids, the pine was known as one of the seven chieftan
trees of the Irish. Burn the needles inside for purification. To purify
and sanctify an outdoor ritual area, brush thr ground with a pine branch.
- Rowan: Its seeds are poisonious! A Druid sacred tree and sacred to the
Goddess Brigit. A very magickal tree used for wands, rods, amulets and
other spell objects. A forked rowan branch can help find water. It is believed
to be a powerful charm against evil spirits.
- Rue: The ancient Celts considered rue an antimagickal her; it is a
defense against spells and drak magic. If burned it routs negativity and
gets things moving.
- St. John's Wort:The Celts passed it through the smoke of
the summer solstice fire, then wore it into battle for invincibility. The
people of Scotland wore it as a charm against faery influence.
- Holy Thistle: Primarily for protection and strength.
- Thyme: A Druid sacred herb. Repels negativity and depression.
- Trefoil: Aslo known as shamrock, or searaog. A Druid sacred herb, w3hich
symbolizes all triple deities. Always leave something in payment when you
take trefoil, because it is a favorite herb of the Little People and faeries.
A pinch of Ginger or a little milk poured onto the ground are acceptable
- Vervain or Verbena: Common in many druididic
rites and incantations. Offerings of this herb were placed on altars.
- Willow: One of the seven sacred trees of the Irish.
the willow is a Moon tree sacred to the Goddess. its grooves were considered
so magickal that priests, priestesses and artisans sat among the trees
to gain eloquence, inspiration, skills, and prophecies.
- Woodruff: An herb which acquires its scent after drying.
- Wormwood: An accumulative poison! A sacred herb which was very magickal
as well as sacred to Moon deities. Burn on Samhain to aid evocation, divination,
scrying and prophecy. Combine with Mugwort for added effect.
Yew: The berries are poinsionous! Sacred to the
Winter Solstice and deities of death and rebirth. The Irish used it to
make dagger handles and bows.