Celtic Moon Calendar

Celtic Moons

Celtic Moons begin with the first Full Moon after the Winter Solstice.

Birch Moon: Moon of Inception and Beginning.

Rowan Moon: Moon of Vision, Spirit Moon, Astral Travel Moon.

Ash Moon: Moon of Waters.

Alder Moon: Moon of Utility, Efficacy, and Self-Guidance.

Willow Moon: The Witches' Moon, Moon of Balance.

Hawthorn Moon: Moon of Restraint and Hindrance, Summer Moon.

Oak Moon: Faerie Moon, Moon of Strength and Security, Bear Moon.

Holly Moon: Moon of Encirclement, Moon of Polarity.

Hazel Moon: Moon of the Wise, Crone Moon.

Vine Moon: Moon of Celebration.

Ivy Moon: Moon of Buoyancy and Resilience.

Reed Moon: Moon of the Home, Hearth Moon, Winter Moon, Truth Moon.

Elder Moon: Moon of Completeness.

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